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Experts in the screenprinting arena, we have many methods and specialty inks at our disposal. This helps us get you the quality and finish you require from your screenprinting needs.

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Plastisol Inks - Plastisol inks are the industry standard having been introduced in the 80's. The characteristics of plastisol inks are bright vibrant colours with a glossy finish that has excellent durability. It has a "hard hand" which means that you can feel it raised from the fabric onto which it is screenprinted.

Waterbased Inks - Waterbased inks are the original screenprinting inks. They sit more within the fabric of the garment in which they are screenprinted and so have a "soft hand" meaning they feel more like part of the garment. As a result they are sought after by those requiring a more retro finish. Waterbased screenprints have the capacity to be ironed and so are a favorite with school uniform manufacturers.

Specialty  Inks I - Different garments have different makeups. We use the correct ink for every job. Fleecys, polyester, stretchy materials such as lycra and dye sublimated garments to name a few all have special requirements to make them wash fast, durable and vibrant. If you've had screenprinting done before that hasn't worked out the wrong inks for the job is probably the reason.

Specialty Inks II - The second part to specialty screenprinting inks is the amazing array of neon colours, metallics, puff, raised, reflective, thermal, glow in the dark or psychedelic effect that you can choose from. Contact us today to find out what is available.

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